For a truer Thanks-giving dessert with Wendell Berry quoting William Carlos Williams... "I mentioned earlier the politics, esthetics, and ethics of food. But to speak of the pleasure of eating is to go beyond those categories. Eating with the fullest pleasure -pleasure, that is, that does not depend on ignorance - is perhaps the profoundest enactment of our connection with the world. In this pleasure we experience and celebrate our dependence and our gratitude, for we are living from mystery, from creatures we did not make and powers we cannot comprehend. When I think of the meaning of food, I always remember these lines by the poet William Carlos Williams, which seem to me merely honest: There is nothing to eat, seek it where you will, but the body of the Lord. The Blessed plants and the sea, yield it to the imagination intact. a covid plan shared by Melanie:
The Cake of Not Much Has Changed "Well, a lot has changed. But still, we gather. We plan. We get confused. We end with cake." Maira Kalman & Barbara Scott-Goodman
" A framed photo, like a pot or a pen or a table, must serve its purpose, just as it is, without apps or upgrades. In the digital era, this irreducible thingness may seem like a drawback. But let's not forget that it is also an enduring human value. A well-made object is informed by thousands of years of accumulated experiment and know-how. Whenever we make or use an everyday tangible thing, or even when we contemplate one seriously, we commune with this pool of human understanding."
- Glenn Adamson, Fewer Better Things in Just...
e.e.cummings in Just- spring when the world is mud- luscious the little lame balloonman whistles far and wee and eddieandbill come running from marbles and piracies and it's spring when the world is puddle-wonderful the queer old balloonman whistles far and wee and bettyandisbel come dancing from hop-scotch and jump-rope and it's spring and the goat-footed balloonMan whistles far and wee Spatchcock Chicken*
1. Wash and dry chicken 2. Turn bird breast side down. Using kitchen shears cut along the backbone. Cut along the other side of the backbone and remove (can be used for making chicken stock later). 3. Turn bird breast side up and press hard on breast bone with both hands to flatten chicken. 4. Remove wing tips if desired. Tuck legs and wings close to body. 5. Follow favourite oven or BBQ recipe. *late 18th century (originally an Irish usage): perhaps related to the noun dispatch + cock "With Egg"
4 Large Eggs coarsely ground salt and pepper good bread for toasting butter Tuck eggs in a saucepan in a single layer and cover with water to your first knuckle. On medium heat bring water just to the boil. (otherwise rubbery eggs!) Cover pan and remove from heat, letting stand 2 minutes by the timer. Remove and serve in egg cups immediately with toast soldiers. Eat with salt and pepper. "The grave is without egg." - Ursula Le Guin |
A wee explanation: this website was created as a way to amplify the daily surprise of seeing glory in one small life. The notebook entries represented here are all selected from things actually lived and noted on paper in an effort to live the full life British educator Charlotte Mason so ably championed.
Book Of Centuries
Book Of Firsts
Church Year
Enquire Within
Fortitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Music Notebook
Nature Notebook
Picture File
Prayer Journal