How's it all going? After three weeks is the keeping feeling more like a habit? There is a reason Charlotte Mason says "habit is ten natures" but she also acknowledges the initial work involved - a habit must "be formed definitely and thoughtfully." Do you feel your habit of attention growing? Is there anything about the bits and pieces surprising you this week? Even when we miss a day, let's be like the Benedictines who say, "always we begin again" and keep on keeping!
"The chief business of life is the navigation of an unknown craft." ~ Charlotte Mason
One Hundred Days of Keeping begins in just two weeks. Have you settled on which kind of notebook you'll keep? (I'm not talking about all the lovely notebooks there are in the world to procure.) Are you still standing on the bank wondering if you should dip in a toe? Now is the time to make a commitment to yourself to step away from the Social Media Dilemma for just a spell. It doesn't have to be perfect; even the tiniest measure towards what our hearts want to keep informs us of what we don't and is navigation worthy. Let's look at our schedules realistically this week and designate a daily time for keeping. What is likely to be your biggest obstacle? Sometimes it's helpful to say out loud, "all I have to do is not quit." January 27, 2021 What shall we do with all these ideas? Keep them, of course! Have you decided which notebook is asking you to dance for 100 Days? Check the comments from previous years (on the Original Invitation page) for inspiration. There's also a list in Studying to be Quiet. If you've joined this merry band before, leafing through another year's pages may spark your heart. Let us all know in the comments what you're falling in love with and on Instagram, #100daysofkeeping.
January 20, 2021 Heyho - It’s time! Time to start thinking about One Hundred Days of Keeping; LENT begins in a little under a month. (Feb. 17 this year.) along with our annual ritual. What are you wanting to keep in 2021? (It’s okay if you want to answer, rather forcefully, NOTHING!) We are on a bumpy road into the new year and maybe not so sure which stars we are following this Epiphany or if angels really do accompany us and announce good things. May I humbly suggest that toning things down and drawing in with a notebook can be an anchoring? But join prov.en.der in these quiet postures for the joy of it, not because it will be good for you or because you think you should. What one notebook are you longing to spend time with? If you’re new to the Hundred Days, a Commonplace is a simple start…just record one sentence or passage that delights you each day. The gifts along the way might surprise you. You can read the original invitation here. Leave a comment or question. I’ll be here Wednesdays inviting us to reflect along the way. Spread the word!
"Thus, I propose that the middle of February remind CM admirers