About his boyhood reading, Frederick Buechner says,
"Nothing was more remote from my thought at this period than theological speculation--except Greene's (Graham), these books were all childhood or early boyhood reading--but certain patterns were set, certain rooms were made ready, so that when, years later, I came upon Saint Paul for the first time and heard him say, 'God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,' I had the feeling that i knew something of what he was talking about. Something of the divine comedy that we are all of us involved in. Something of Grace."
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A wee explanation: this website was created as a way to amplify the daily surprise of seeing glory in one small life. The notebook entries represented here are all selected from things actually lived and noted on paper in an effort to live the full life British educator Charlotte Mason so ably championed.
Book Of Centuries
Book Of Firsts
Church Year
Enquire Within
Fortitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Music Notebook
Nature Notebook
Picture File
Prayer Journal