Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736)for soprano and alto solo Stabat Mater dolorosa Iuxta crucem lacrimosa Dum pendebat Filius. The grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging. Cuius animam gementem Contristatam et dolentem Pertransivit gladius. Through her weeping soul, compassionate and grieving, a sword passed. O quam tristis et afflicta Fuit illa benedicta Mater unigeniti! O how sad and afflicted was that blessed Mother of the only-begotten! Quae moerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater, dum videbat Nati poenas incliti. Who mourned and grieved, seeing and bearing the torment of her glorious child. Quis est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio? Who is it that would not weep, seeing Christ’s Mother in such agony? Vidit suum dulcem natum Moriendo desolatum Dum emisit spiritum. She saw her sweet child die desolate, as he gave up His spirit. Eja Mater, fons amoris Me sentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum lugeam. O Mother, fountain of love, make me feel the power of sorrow, that I may grieve with you. Fac, ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum Ut sibi complaceam. Grant that my heart may burn in the love of Christ my God, that I may greatly please Him. Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas cordi meo valide. Holy Mother, may you do thus: place the wounds of the Crucified deep in my heart. Fac ut portem Christi mortem, passionis fac consortem, et plagas recolere. Make me to bear Christ's death, sharing in His passion, and commemorate his wounds. Inflammatus et accensus per te, Virgo, sim defensus in die iudicii. Inflame and set on fire, may I be defended by you, Virgin, on the day of judgment. Fac me cruce custodiri morte Christi praemuniri confoveri gratia. Let me be guarded by the cross, armed by Christ's death and His cherished by His grace. Quando corpus morietur, fac ut animæ donetur Paradisi gloria. Amen. When my body dies, grant that to my soul is given the glory of paradise. Amen. © Hans van der Velden 13th century Franciscan hymn
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