Listening to these ancient words for Advent Three Of the Father's love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He, Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see, Evermore and evermore! O that birth forever blessèd, When the virgin, full of grace, By the Holy Ghost conceiving, Bore the Saviour of our race; And the Babe, the world's Redeemer, First revealed His sacred face, evermore and evermore! O ye heights of heaven adore Him; Angel hosts, His praises sing; Powers, dominions, bow before Him, and extol our God and King! Let no tongue on earth be silent, Every voice in concert sing, Evermore and evermore! Christ, to Thee with God the Father, And, O Holy Ghost, to Thee, Hymn and chant with high thanksgiving, And unwearied praises be: Honour, glory, and dominion, And eternal victory, Evermore and evermore!
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A wee explanation: this website was created as a way to amplify the daily surprise of seeing glory in one small life. The notebook entries represented here are all selected from things actually lived and noted on paper in an effort to live the full life British educator Charlotte Mason so ably championed.
Book Of Centuries
Book Of Firsts
Church Year
Enquire Within
Fortitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Music Notebook
Nature Notebook
Picture File
Prayer Journal